Our Mission

"Living the Good News of Jesus 7 Days-A-Week."

We have an ever-evolving series of partnerships as we continue to live out the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever we are with the gifts God has given our community. We define Outreach/Mission as proclaiming Christ’s gospel in word and action, serving peoples’ needs outside of our church community.

We believe we need to be a blessing to the local community we find ourselves in, and we do that through long-term, mutual, and intentional relationships with the resources God has given us at New Ground Church.

Values that reflect this type of mission include:

Community Relationships

Leadership is formed by partnering with local and global communities, not at them for our own benefit.

Posture of Empowerment

Posture and actions of empowering others to live out the gospel in their communities, both locally and globally

“Hand Up” versus “Hand Out”

A “Hand Up” not “Hand Out” approach. This is only done in mutual long-term relationships.

Community Relationships

Leadership is formed by partnering with local and global communities, not at them for our own benefit.

Posture of Empowerment

Posture and actions of empowering others to live out the gospel in their communities, both locally and globally

“Hand Up” versus “Hand Out”

A “Hand Up” not “Hand Out” approach. This is only done in mutual long-term relationships.

Our Values

Everyone and every group has values, whether written or unwritten. When you encounter New Ground Church, you'll find these 5 values our priority on what it looks like to live the good news of Jesus 7-Days-A-Week.

  • Authentic Community

    Authenticity allows you to come as you are, flaws and all. It also demands a willingness to be transformed. We do this through deep relationships anchored in becoming more like Jesus as we live out the Greatest Commandment, loving God and loving neighbor. (Matt. 22:36-40, Acts 2:42-47)

  • Curious Together

    We are a safe space for the curious, no matter where you are at on your faith journey. Faith and doubt are not competitors, but dancing partners. We value all questions recognizing engaging those questions is pursuing the Truth, who is Jesus Christ. (John 14:6, 20:19-28)

  • Scripture-Focused

    We strive to understand the messages the first listeners of the Bible would have understood, and build bridges on how those stories still ring true today. The Story of Scripture forms us to live out the Good News of Jesus. (2 Tim. 3:10-17)

  • Prayer-Filled

    Prayer is a posture of listening to how God is already working in our midst. Not only do we offer regular petitions to God, but we are shaped by listening to His voice in every circumstance, thought, and action. (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

  • Generous Hospitality

    The first church was well-known for its radical welcome. We believe followers of Jesus should embody what it looks like to help others feel welcome to God, as He has to all of us. (Heb. 13:1-3; Luke 9:1-6; 10-17; Col. 4:2-6)

How we do relationships at New Ground.

Our Strategy: Table-to-Table

It starts in the center at the Communion Table, where Jesus invited his followers to the reality that God will break Himself open and pour Himself out for the salvation of all creation.

This also was an invitation to his followers to live into, to break themselves open and pour themselves out for the sake of the world as Christ's ambassadors to humanity (2 Cor. 5:14-21), displaying what God's love looks like and the flourishing life He desires for us.

This posture is carried out in all of our relationships. See the tables below:

  • Communion Table

    Jesus declared that he is breaking himself open and pouring himself out for the salvation of the world. Not only is this a declaration of what God has done for us to be reconciled to him, it is also an invitation to embody this reality with each other and the world. This is the center of how we embody long-term, intentional, and mutual relastionships.

  • Community Table

    Our relationships outside of the church community allow us opportunities to live out the Good News by providing for those with physical and mental needs, being a good neighbor, or giving solace to the marginalized. These transformative moments allow the public to see the church as a blessing while it follows Christ's self-sacrificial example.

  • Banquet Table

    The vision of heaven at the end of the Bible includes people of every tribe, tongue, and nation. At the banquet table, we try to live into the reality of heaven as people from all different backgrounds, experiences, and traditions, gathering together to live out the Good News of Jesus.

  • Dinner Table

    Many conversations in the Scriptures took place over a meal. At the dinner table, walls are broken down and we are at our most vulnerable. It is a model of what it looks like develop deeper relationships with others. It is always invitational and designed to be a safe space to learn and grow together.